Make Every Day a Vacation
I went on a trip last weekend, and I felt a pang of homesickness on night one. I missed my family and friends, my pets, my bed, and my every day routine. It wasn’t that I was having a bad time; in fact, I couldn’t have had a better trip. I just missed home.
I realized that if you’re homesick, you’re lucky. We glorify vacations as a “break from reality,” and we all love a little time away from life’s daily responsibilities. As I was on vacation doing what I love with people I enjoy, I still had home on my mind. It made me think, how fortunate am I to have a life that I don’t want to leave?
Among the many lessons the past year and a half has taught us is the importance of glamorizing your every day life. Wear your favorite clothes that you’ve been saving for a special occasion, indulge in the delicious foods you’d usually only have on holidays, light that fancy candle while you’re relaxing, create a routine that you look forward to every day. Don’t wait for “someday.” Every day deserves celebration.
That week long vacation you take once a year can’t be the only time you treat yourself. You deserve to feel that same joy and excitement during the other fifty-one weeks. You only get one life. Start building one that you don’t need a vacation from.