Choose Excitement
I’m in a competition this weekend. When explaining the competition to a friend, I was asked how I remain calm in high pressure situations.
I’m glad I look calm on the outside because (if I’m being honest) nothing about me is calm. If you’ve been reading along for a while now, I think we’ve established that I’m pretty neurotic. If there’s a thought to be had, I’m going to think it.
Years of competing (and overthinking) have taught me one thing: I am going to get that feeling. You know the feeling I’m talking about. Your stomach is a little funny, it feels like you’ve had too much caffeine even if you haven’t had any, and your brain is moving just a little too quickly.
Luckily, anxiety and excitement feel pretty similar to me. This is where I have a choice: do I want to label this feeling as a bad thing, or can I channel it into something good?
Getting the feeling isn’t up to me; however, I do have a choice in whether I turn it into something productive or let it control me. So, I tell myself I’m excited.
Sure, I may be nervous and a little anxious. But overall, I’m excited to be here. Choose excitement.